About The Author

“Visions Of Heaven,” became a number 1 best-seller within 5 days of publication.


The above photo is one of my family favorites!!

I wrote “VISIONS OF HEAVEN: What My Near-Death Experience Taught Me About Eternity” because in 2006, I experienced a personal near-death experience and I would like to share my time in heaven with you.  I want my readers to know what heaven is like.   I know my near-death experience was completely factual.  When I compared details about the ancestors that I met ‘Paradise’ with my husband, he was convinced and KNEW.  I saw ‘Eternal Families,” Jesus Christ, Heaven, Ancestors, huge mansions to live in, that our spirit is the always the same, (pre-mortal, mortal life, and in the after-life), and so much more.

After years of study about life after death, I have written several books on the subject.  I believes in the same principles that matched my discoveries during my NDE and time in heaven.  My new book, “VISIONS OF HEAVEN.  What My Near-Death Experience Taught Me About Eternity,” shares my journey as I realized that death is part of our Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness.  That we are a child of God, that He has always known and loved us, and He created our mortal life to fulfill our desire to to participate in His “Plan of Salvation and Happiness.”



  1. Sherri says:

    Jane, I have always loved you and your exuberance for life. Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints myself, I have embraced the joy and happiness that understqanding the plan of salvation can give. But your experience not only brings to light why you are always so filled with love and light yourself, but gives others a chance to more deeply understand where that light comes from. I love that you are so willing to share your experiences with all of us. Thank you! Your experience and the fact that you are willing to share it gives my testimony one more layer of understanding.

    • Jane Moe says:

      What a wonderful review from my dear friend, Sherri Holloman!! Your praise helps my journey as I strive to promote our beloved faith. Now my testimony is also stronger. I learn by hearing and knowing I am helping my beloved brothers and sisters!!! Thank you so much for being my friend. I am humbled and honored by your post. I love you, Jane.

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