After surviving a near-death experience, Jane's dreams turned to the divine. New LDS non-fiction book: VISIONS OF HEAVEN" WHAT MY NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE TAUGHT ME ABOUT ETERNITY." Available everywhere!!!
Tag: believer
Are my sins forgiven if I truly repent?
No one is perfect. We all fumble. I make dumb mistakes. However, that’s where Christ’s Atonement comes in. He is the only way we could possibly live with Him and Heavenly Father again. Through His Atonement and Resurrection, we’ll not only live again but we can be made clean so that we can dwell eternally in heaven. However, for us to get there we must repent. We show our desire to repent and be made clean by agreeing to be baptized. And then after that, we need to repent whenever we make a mistake. For me, that means repenting not just monthly or weekly but every day. Maybe I was impatient with someone or didn’t follow a prompting from the Holy Ghost to serve someone. Sure, those aren’t big things, but even they need to be repented of if we want to be completely clean. Don’t delay repentance. Not only will repenting bring you peace but it will also mean that you’re prepared to meet God whenever He decides it’s your time.
How Do I Know Heavenly Father Loves Me?
Do you ask yourself this question? I have. However I have found the answers within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I KNOW Heavenly Father loves me. I have read His Scriptures, and The Holy Ghost has confirmed His Gospel. What do I mean by Holy Ghost? Jesus has taught us that there is a third member to our beloved Godhead: Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Ghost (also known as the Holy Spirit). Jesus promised that He would not leave us “comfortless.” And He has kept that promise. We have the ability to hear or feel a “small, still voice” that arises in our bodies when we are feeling the truthfulness of His Word. For example: when I first read The Book of Mormon and I pondered its truthfulness a feeling of peace, wonderment, goosebumps, and a warmth in my chest, came over me. At that time, I was not an LDS member. I had no idea what I was feeling. I asked the LDS missionaries that were giving lessons to me and my husband. They explained that this ‘feeling’ was Heavenly Father’s way of testifying that this is His Word. That I can trust and believe in what I was reading and feeling. Since then, I have also prayed to Heavenly Father asking Him questions. When I get this ‘spiritual’ feeling that makes me warm with goosebumps, this is His truthfulness. When I attend The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I feel His presence and warmth. I know that Heavenly Father is real, that He answers my prayers, and that He loves me.
Richard and I were sealed in the Lord’s Temple.

As new LDS converts, we were required to wait for 1 year before we could be sealed for eternity in an LDS temple. If you want to be married til death do us part in a marriage vow you are done once you get your civil marriage. However, if you want what my husband, Richard, and I wanted, which is to be sealed past death and into eternity there are more steps to take, of course. This requires your mate and yourself to take certain Temple prep. classes, and had a current “Temple Recommend.” This is very important because I want to be an eternal family. We are very proud of this achievement. I had learned about the ability to be with our loved ones the first vision I had of heaven. (See first blog) I didn’t know what this was but I have since learned. Richard’s dad had told me in my first NDE (near-death experience) (when I saw heaven during a surgical procedure) that I would know why he wanted me to tell his son, Richard, (my boyfriend and husband to be) to know his dad had never let go. I knew it would be my own mission to either learn and become a forever family or let this message end with me. I want everything I can learn about heaven and God’s plan so I opted to learn as much as I can about after-life choices. It takes work: a devotion to Heavenly Father’s commandments, belief in Jesus Christ, scripture study, enduring to the end, and lots of other LDS lessons which I will share in future blogs.