You Are Enough To Heavenly Father!!!





Have you ever felt down? Have you ever looked at another person and wish you could be more like them? Have you ever felt like you can’t do enough? Be enough? Love enough? Get everything done on your impossible checklist? Like you don’t read your scriptures enough?


I have. It is self-defeating. I know that!! I have allowed society to set my goals instead of myself. However, I recently discovered my answer to all this self-doubt and it came from another sister in Relief-Society. (An amazing women’s group.)


If I do my best to obey the commandments, if I do my best to life a righteous life, if I do my best everyday, I am enough. I have done enough, and I am ENOUGH for Heavenly Father. I may not pray for an hour, but I DO pray. I may feel like I don’t have enough hours in the day, but I make enough time to do and choose the right. I may feel that everyone else does everything bigger, better, and faster. But you know what? I have learned I am ENOUGH to my beloved Heavenly Father!! God knows your heart. He sees how hard you try.

Please join me at the end of the day, when you bow your head and give thanks to our Heavenly Father, please feel His assurance that YOU ARE ENOUGH. Feel it. Own it. Love it. LIVE IT!!


I love you all,


Jane Moe

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